Blimey. Yes. Hello! Why yes, it has been a while, hasn't it? Sorry! Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry!
Right *wipes remnants of humble pie from chin* I suppose I should fill you all in on what I've been up to, shouldn't I?
UPCOMING MOVIESWell, I've had quite a bit of exciting news. Some of it, sadly, I can't yet talk about yet but what I can say is that I'm now cast in five (yes, FIVE!) features due to be filmed in the next twelve months, at least two of which will be shooting at the fabulous Pinewood Studios and one of which is a lead role! And a bunch of shorts too! Woo and indeed hoo.

First up will be
'Sure Fire Hit', starring Chris Noth (
Sex and the City's Mr. Big), Jennifer Ellison, Rebecca Lock and the lovely and insanely talented Jay Sutherland, who played Arthur to my Lady of the Lake/Bath in Screen West Midlands short
'Arthur's Lore'. This is going to be a really cracking movie and just to give you a little taste for it, here's a bit of blurb:
Sure Fire Hit: A Love to Kill follows Kam, a hitwoman who's nearing her well-earned, if somewhat early, retirement. Before she leaves, however, she's asked to train up her replacement, Jane - a girl who seems to have a mysterious agenda of her own. To make matters worse Kam's Matrix-mad ex Warner and his comical friend Chris (who'd rather hit on a girl and the bottle than a target) are hot on her heels. But who will come out on top?Sounds good, eh? I'll be off to the cast readthrough at Pinewood later this month and filming's due to begin in the autumn so... I'll keep you all posted! Exciting doesn't even begin to describe it.
Other movie roles may or may not include a guitar-wielding, chain-smoking rock chick, the ethereal mother of someone rather super indeed, a shy and retiring geek and one of the sole survivors of the zombie apocalypse. Just call me Mrs. Versatility *cheesy grin, wink, finger gun*
Or, you know, don't.
Please don't.
Ooh, it's always exciting when something you've worked on is finally ready to be screened and I'm very happy to announce that two films I appear in have finally been born this month. Firstly,
'Self Help', in which I play put-upon seminar announcer Natasha, screened to a packed theatre early this month and has had a huge amount of positive feedback since (more details on that coming soon), and secondly... dun-duh-duh-DUHHH!
'SatNav Lifestyle' is now finally finished! It'll be premiering on Entanglement Productions'

new video blog show thingummy sometime next week, then heading out to festivals. Squeee! Wish our baby luck!
MUSIC VIDEOSHaving never done a music video before I've suddenly found myself involved with two, both on camera and on the production team!

The first was a dark and moody (not to mention slightly soggy) video for
The Unknownn and their gorgeous new track 'The Inside'. I was really honoured when Huw and Chris of Entanglement Productions (who I first worked with back in 2008 on feature film
'Triple Hit') asked me to be Producer on this one, and between us we came up with a beautiful idea that would suit the track down to the ground. The only problem? This idea would involve totally soaking all three members of the band. Eek! Luckily the whole band were totally up for it and dealt with me regularly attacking them with watering can and sponge like true professionals. Troopers, the lot of 'em. The finished video will be available to view later this year - I'll let you know as soon as it's up online.

second video was once again with the Entanglement boys, this time for pandapunk band
The Benwahs for their track 'Come to Mine'. Once again they wanted me to be Producer (I really should try not to be so bloody efficient at things...) and also asked (or, rather, demanded!) that I appear in the video too. How very flattering! Well, until I realised my role would be as a hideous, enormously pregnant, smoking, boozing chav who attacks a man in a giant panda costume. Classy, eh? Luckily the shoot itself was brilliant fun and the finished video got lots of laughs and a massive round of applause when it premiered in Birmingham on Tuesday. Linky link coming soooon.
I've also been interviewed twice in the past month. The first was your classic 'so, tell me about yourself' kind of thing for an article on international news site
Newsblaze (many thanks to my interviewer Vincent Fox who seemed to somehow extricate my entire lifestory from me without me even realising!). Since the article went online I've received a lot of lovely messages about it from all sorts of people: makeup artists, art directors, fellow actors, even the National Youth Theatre! So hello, everyone! Thanks so much for getting in touch and I'm really glad you liked the interview. You can check out the full interview on the 'News' page of
my website. If you manage to read to the end then you'll probably know more about me than I do.
The next interview was rather more informal, via the magiks of telephonery for the
'Rob and Jim's Excuse to be Stupid' radio show. I first met Jim back in 2008 when we were both guests on Stoney's Spread Radio show (on Dave Navarro's network) so it was great chatting to him on air again and discussing all sorts of thing, including acting, footwear and an unusual use I found for a Linkin Park album. I've since been invited onto the show again later this summer, properly in the studio this time and everything, so I'll be sure to let you know where and when you can listen in. Until then,
here's a link. I'm on the show entitled 'Make Your Buns Tighter' (niiiiice) from around 50:20.
VOX 2010 AWARDSAnd as if all that wasn't enough, last month I had the honour of being asked to present the 2010 VOX Awards ceremony, alongside the terribly wonderful Tony Aitken, a fellow actor and voiceover artist who you may recognise from a whole host of TV roles (my personal favourite being the Minstrel during the end credits of Blackadder II!).

VOX is the largest gathering of commercial radio industry movers and shakers in Europe and I first hosted the event back in 2007, again alongside Tony, so they clearly couldn't get enough of us, the lunatics. Suckers for punishment, that lot! Once we'd dished out the awards we headed to the celebratory dinner and afterparty, the highlight of which (for me, at least) was E4/XFactor/EveryOtherRuddyShowOnTV man Peter Dickson compering kareoke. I honestly never thought I'd see THAT little delight!
A grand time was had by all and I really enjoyed presenting the awards so many, many thanks to the whole team at LBS (who organised the event for the last time this year *sniffle*), Tony and all the VOs and producers I met. Here's to next year's bash!
AND IN MY SPARE TIME...I've been decorating my house, searching for a kitten, soaking bogwood for my new fishtank (possibly THE most boring and overly-long task in the whole world) and writing a bunch of films. I'm also in talks with several production companies about a short I wrote last year which, fingers crossed, will be filming before 2011. Joy all round, really!

Ooh, and a special shout out to my dear friend and fellow actor Daniel Brocklebank who invited me to the world premier of his new movie
'Release' earlier this month. It's a fabulous movie - really touching and beautifully shot - so do check it out at festivals if you get the chance, or at cinemas when it's released this autumn.
Oh look, a trailer...IN SUMMARY... SORRYYup, that's about it. I really have been very, very busy indeed. Like, super, mega, CRAZY busy. Honest! Forgive me?
Milly x
PS - the cat I've been searching for isn't lost. It was never even found in the first place. I don't have it yet, you see, but I'd like to. It may or may not even exist. It's a sort of Schrodinger's Cat, if you will - until I observe it I don't know it's there.
PPS - I nearly wet myself with excitement when I saw the Portal 2 trailer yesterday. This will most certainly be a triumph. You monster. Come onnnnn 2011! Get here soooon!
At VOX with award-winner Howard Young.

Celebrating at the afterparty with my lovely mum, actress and voiceover artist Marian Kemmer.
Wow, you have been busy. How exciting!
ReplyDeleteSure Fire Hit sounds like a really fun film. And good luck surviving in the zombie apocalypse, haha :)
Music videos are fascinating, so it should be interesting to see those once they're done.
I can't wait for Portal 2. Watched the trailer a couple times with my boyfriend, and we noticed the Companion Cube in one of the shots, which got us all giddy. Do you think there will be cake?